Friday 9 September 2011

My statement of intent.

Statement of intent – A2 music video
My place in humanity is located through the title Jarrod Harvey, with the basic occupation of being an 18 year old student from York.
Within this project I shall be creating a music video that advertises its artist’s work, within my chosen group we shall choose a suitable piece of music that enables us to make a video that fits and shows the music for what it is. Since the main goal for music videos is to create money due to its place in the industry, elements of typical music videos shall be included to help the viewers distinguish whether or not to cash out on the track. The video shall also be completely different from its original (if it has one) to ensure our creative intentions clearly, our study on music videos and research around the same genres will enable us to produce something exclusive.
The reason for this project is simple; it is put to us by the examining board and is imprinted on the curricular. If we had a choice of projects to decide from, e.g. printed publications, other advertisements or web designs, I will stick with the music video due to my interest in the industry as well as motion pictures.
This blogging site I choose due to the ways in which you can edit the pages and the many possibilities it holds, also I have use the site before so learning its techniques won’t be a problem. Another reason for my choice is because it is one of the most known sites, enabling my blog for further interest by viewers.
The project itself shouldn’t be too much of a difficult task when it comes to time structure. I have created other pieces before that have taken a month to make, and others that took 24hrs, so the time it will take to make this one entirely depends on the group’s communication, skill and effort. My nearest guess would be around three days to shoot the footage, three to four weeks of editing and another week for preparation, not including a few hours to set it up in YouTube and other places to ensure it is seen.
Due to my knowledge on the subject of music videos, finding locations and actors should not be a problem. I can travel independently around the area to scout for good locations, and I can say that the footage will definitely not be shot on the college grounds; this is to ensure itself as an independent and original piece. The research for the video will consist of the basics, internet/books/magazines/DVDs to gain full understanding of how our genre is placed in the industry. We will also use physical research such as interviews and questionnaires giving us an insight to our target audience and what they would expect. The locations for the piece will be decided to fit our time schedule, availability and style, finding these will be a joint effort within the group. As for actors myself and others know people who are interested in the art so finding the appropriate people should not be too difficult, also it is only a music video and not many are needed, plus people from within the group shall also contribute. There are many ways to get the video out there, from YouTube and other sites, to showing people in person through DVDs or filed copies. All of which will give me information for the evaluation.
I hope the project works out as it will give me great insight into how a music video helps the product as well as introducing me to more information on the industry and film technology itself. What the project will do for me personally is let me express my skills on filming, I have a passion for the subject and it is the perfect scenario to help me show what I can do. To ensure the piece goes as intended there will have to be a lot of planning beforehand as well as the work itself being productive ensuring no time is wasted and no faults occur.

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